Warning Source file not compiled. Posted by 1 month ago. Every time I run a code in Dev-C, 2 seconds in and my laptop restarts. What can I do to fix it? Save hide report. Continue browsing in r/devcpp. Subreddit for all things related to Dev-C. Mar 22, 2019 First time when you are going to install devcpp and running your first program may be following error is coming ' Source file is not compiled'. Actually this.

What is Dev-C++?
Dev-C++, developed by Bloodshed Software, is a fully featured graphical IDE (Integrated Development Environment), which is able to create Windows or console-based C/C++ programs using the MinGW compiler system. MinGW (Minimalist GNU* for Windows) uses GCC (the GNU g++ compiler collection), which is essentially the same compiler system that is in Cygwin (the unix environment program for Windows) and most versions of Linux. There are, however, differences between Cygwin and MinGW; link to Differences between Cygwin and MinGW for more information.

Click picture to enlarge.

I'll be the first to say that the name Bloodshed won't give you warm and fuzzies, but I think it's best if the creator of Bloodshed explains:

First I would like to say that I am not a satanist, that I hate violence/war and that I don't like heavy metal / hard-rock music. I am french, but I do know the meaning of the 'Bloodshed' word, and I use this name because I think it sounds well. If you are offended by the name, I am very sorry but it would be a big mess to change the name now.

There's also a reason why I keep the Bloodshed name. I don't want people to think Bloodshed is a company, because it isn't. I'm just doing this to help people.

Here is a good remark on the Bloodshed name I received from JohnS:
I assumed that this was a reference to the time and effort it requires of you to make these nice software programs, a la 'Blood, Sweat and Tears'.

Peace and freedom,

Colin Laplace

Getting Dev-C++
The author has released Dev-C++ as free software (under GPL) but also offers a CD for purchase which can contain all Bloodshed software (it's customizable), including Dev-C++ with all updates/patches.

Link to Bloodshed Dev-C++ for a list of Dev-C++ download sites.

You should let the installer put Dev-C++ in the default directory of C:Dev-Cpp, as it will make it easier to later install add-ons or upgrades.

Using Dev-C++
This section is probably why you are here.

All programming done for CSCI-2025 will require separate compilation projects (i.e. class header file(s), class implementation file(s) and a main/application/client/driver file). This process is relatively easy as long as you know what Dev-C++ requires to do this. In this page you will be given instructions using the Project menu choice. In another handout you will be given instructions on how to manually compile, link and execute C++ files at the command prompt of a command window. See here.

Step 1: Configure Dev-C++.
We need to modify one of the default settings to allow you to use the debugger with your programs.

  • Go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Compiler Options'.
  • In the 'Settings' tab, click on 'Linker' in the left panel, and change 'Generate debugging information' to 'Yes':
  • Click 'OK'.

Step 2: Create a new project.
A 'project' can be considered as a container that is used to store all the elements that are required to compile a program.

  • Go to the 'File' menu and select 'New', 'Project..'.
  • Choose 'Empty Project' and make sure 'C++ project' is selected.
    Here you will also give your project a name. You can give your project any valid filename, but keep in mind that the name of your project will also be the name of your final executable.
  • Once you have entered a name for your project, click 'OK'.
  • Dev-C++ will now ask you where to save your project.

Source File Not Compiled Dev C++

Step 3: Create/add source file(s).
You can add empty source files one of two ways:

  • Go to the 'File' menu and select 'New Source File' (or just press CTRL+N) OR
  • Go to the 'Project' menu and select 'New File'.
    Note that Dev-C++ will not ask for a filename for any new source file until you attempt to:
    1. Compile
    2. Save the project
    3. Save the source file
    4. Exit Dev-C++

You can add pre-existing source files one of two ways:
  • Go to the 'Project' menu and select 'Add to Project' OR
  • Right-click on the project name in the left-hand panel and select 'Add to Project'.
EXAMPLE: Multiple source files
In this example, more than 3 files are required to compile the program; The 'driver.cpp' file references 'Deque.h' (which requires 'Deque.cpp') and 'Deque.cpp' references 'Queue.h' (which requires 'Queue.cpp').

Step 4: Compile.
Once you have entered all of your source code, you are ready to compile.

  • Go to the 'Execute' menu and select 'Compile' (or just press CTRL+F9).

    It is likely that you will get some kind of compiler or linker error the first time you attempt to compile a project. Syntax errors will be displayed in the 'Compiler' tab at the bottom of the screen. You can double-click on any error to take you to the place in the source code where it occurred. The 'Linker' tab will flash if there are any linker errors. Linker errors are generally the result of syntax errors not allowing one of the files to compile.

Once your project successfully compiles, the 'Compile Progress' dialog box will have a status of 'Done'. At this point, you may click 'Close'. File Not Compiled Dev C++

Step 5: Execute.
You can now run your program.

  • Go to the 'Execute' menu, choose 'Run'.
Note: to pass command-line parameters to your program, go to the 'Execute' menu, choose 'Parameters' and type in any paramaters you wish to pass.

Disappearing windows
If you execute your program (with or without parameters), you may notice something peculiar; a console window will pop up, flash some text and disappear. The problem is that, if directly executed, console program windows close after the program exits. You can solve this problem one of two ways:

  • Method 1 - Adding one library call:
    On the line before the main's return enter:
  • Method 2 - Scaffolding:
    Add the following code before any return statement in main() or any exit() or abort() statement (in any function):
    /* Scaffolding code for testing purposes */
    cin.ignore(256, 'n');
    cout << 'Press ENTER to continue..'<< endl;
    /* End Scaffolding */
    This will give you a chance to view any output before the program terminates and the window closes.
  • Method 3 - Command-prompt:
    Alternatively, instead of using Dev-C++ to invoke your program, you can just open an MS-DOS Prompt, go to the directory where your program was compiled (i.e. where you saved the project) and enter the program name (along with any parameters). The command-prompt window will not close when the program terminates.

For what it's worth, I use the command-line method.

Step 6: Debug.
When things aren't happening the way you planned, a source-level debugger can be a great tool in determining what really is going on. Dev-C++'s basic debugger functions are controlled via the 'Debug' tab at the bottom of the screen; more advanced functions are available in the 'Debug' menu.

Using the debugger:
The various features of the debugger are pretty obvious. Click the 'Run to cursor' icon to run your program and pause at the current source code cursor location; Click 'Next Step' to step through the code; Click 'Add Watch' to monitor variables.
Setting breakpoints is as easy as clicking in the black space next to the line in the source code.
See the Dev-C++ help topic 'Debugging Your Program' for more information.

Dev-C++ User F.A.Q.

Why do I keep getting errors about 'cout', 'cin', and 'endl' being undeclared?
It has to do with namespaces. You need to add the following line after the includes of your implementation (.cpp) files:

How do I use the C++ string class?
Again, it probably has to do with namespaces. First of all, make sure you '#include <string>' (not string.h). Next, make sure you add 'using namespace std;' after your includes.

Source File Not Compiled Dev C++ คือ


Dev C++ Build Error

That's it for now.
I am not a Dev-C++ expert by any means (in fact, I do not teach C++ nor use it on a regular basis), but if you have any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected]

Happy coding!


Visual Studio includes a command-line C and C++ compiler. You can use it to create everything from basic console apps to Universal Windows Platform apps, Desktop apps, device drivers, and .NET components.

In this walkthrough, you create a basic, 'Hello, World'-style C++ program by using a text editor, and then compile it on the command line. If you'd like to try the Visual Studio IDE instead of using the command line, see Walkthrough: Working with Projects and Solutions (C++) or Using the Visual Studio IDE for C++ Desktop Development.

In this walkthrough, you can use your own C++ program instead of typing the one that's shown. Or, you can use a C++ code sample from another help article.


To complete this walkthrough, you must have installed either Visual Studio and the optional Desktop development with C++ workload, or the command-line Build Tools for Visual Studio.

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE). It supports a full-featured editor, resource managers, debuggers, and compilers for many languages and platforms. Versions available include the free Visual Studio Community edition, and all can support C and C++ development. For information on how to download and install Visual Studio, see Install C++ support in Visual Studio.

The Build Tools for Visual Studio installs only the command-line compilers, tools, and libraries you need to build C and C++ programs. It's perfect for build labs or classroom exercises and installs relatively quickly. To install only the command-line tools, look for Build Tools for Visual Studio on the Visual Studio Downloads page.

Before you can build a C or C++ program on the command line, verify that the tools are installed, and you can access them from the command line. Visual C++ has complex requirements for the command-line environment to find the tools, headers, and libraries it uses. You can't use Visual C++ in a plain command prompt window without doing some preparation. Fortunately, Visual C++ installs shortcuts for you to launch a developer command prompt that has the environment set up for command line builds. Unfortunately, the names of the developer command prompt shortcuts and where they're located are different in almost every version of Visual C++ and on different versions of Windows. Your first walkthrough task is finding the right one to use.


A developer command prompt shortcut automatically sets the correct paths for the compiler and tools, and for any required headers and libraries. You must set these environment values yourself if you use a regular Command Prompt window. For more information, see Set the Path and Environment Variables for Command-Line Builds. We recommend you use a developer command prompt shortcut instead of building your own.

Open a developer command prompt

  1. If you have installed Visual Studio 2017 or later on Windows 10, open the Start menu and choose All apps. Scroll down and open the Visual Studio folder (not the Visual Studio application). Choose Developer Command Prompt for VS to open the command prompt window.

    If you have installed Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 on Windows 10, open the Start menu and choose All apps. Scroll down and open the Visual C++ Build Tools folder. Choose Visual C++ 2015 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt to open the command prompt window.

    You can also use the Windows search function to search for 'developer command prompt' and choose one that matches your installed version of Visual Studio. Use the shortcut to open the command prompt window.

  2. Next, verify that the Visual C++ developer command prompt is set up correctly. In the command prompt window, enter cl and verify that the output looks something like this:

    There may be differences in the current directory or version numbers. These values depend on the version of Visual C++ and any updates installed. If the above output is similar to what you see, then you're ready to build C or C++ programs at the command line.


    If you get an error such as 'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file,' error C1034, or error LNK1104 when you run the cl command, then either you are not using a developer command prompt, or something is wrong with your installation of Visual C++. You must fix this issue before you can continue.

    If you can't find the developer command prompt shortcut, or if you get an error message when you enter cl, then your Visual C++ installation may have a problem. Try reinstalling the Visual C++ component in Visual Studio, or reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools. Don't go on to the next section until the cl command works. For more information about installing and troubleshooting Visual C++, see Install Visual Studio.


    Depending on the version of Windows on the computer and the system security configuration, you might have to right-click to open the shortcut menu for the developer command prompt shortcut and then choose Run as administrator to successfully build and run the program that you create by following this walkthrough.

File Not Compiled Dev C++

Create a Visual C++ source file and compile it on the command line

  1. In the developer command prompt window, enter md c:hello to create a directory, and then enter cd c:hello to change to that directory. This directory is where your source file and the compiled program are created in.

  2. Enter notepad hello.cpp in the command prompt window.

    Choose Yes when Notepad prompts you to create a file. This step opens a blank Notepad window, ready for you to enter your code in a file named hello.cpp.

  3. In Notepad, enter the following lines of code:

    This code is a simple program that will write one line of text on the screen and then exit. To minimize errors, copy this code and paste it into Notepad.

  4. Save your work! In Notepad, on the File menu, choose Save.

    Congratulations, you've created a C++ source file, hello.cpp, that is ready to compile.

  5. Switch back to the developer command prompt window. Enter dir at the command prompt to list the contents of the c:hello directory. You should see the source file hello.cpp in the directory listing, which looks something like:

    The dates and other details will differ on your computer. If you don't see your source code file, hello.cpp, make sure you've changed to the c:hello directory you created. In Notepad, make sure that you saved your source file in this directory. Also make sure that you saved the source code with a .cpp file name extension, not a .txt extension.

  6. At the developer command prompt, enter cl /EHsc hello.cpp to compile your program.

    The cl.exe compiler generates an .obj file that contains the compiled code, and then runs the linker to create an executable program named hello.exe. This name appears in the lines of output information that the compiler displays. The output of the compiler should look something like:


    If you get an error such as 'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file,' error C1034, or error LNK1104, your developer command prompt is not set up correctly. For information on how to fix this issue, go back to the Open a developer command prompt section.


    If you get a different compiler or linker error or warning, review your source code to correct any errors, then save it and run the compiler again. For information about specific errors, use the search box on this MSDN page to look for the error number.

  7. To run the hello.exe program, at the command prompt, enter hello.

    The program displays this text and exits:

    Congratulations, you've compiled and run a C++ program by using the command-line tools.

Next steps

This 'Hello, World' example is about as simple as a C++ program can get. Real world programs usually have header files, more source files, and link to libraries.

You can use the steps in this walkthrough to build your own C++ code instead of typing the sample code shown. These steps also let you build many C++ code sample programs that you find elsewhere. You can put your source code and build your apps in any writeable directory. By default, the Visual Studio IDE creates projects in your user folder, in a sourcerepos subfolder. Older versions may put projects in a *DocumentsVisual Studio <version>Projects folder.

To compile a program that has additional source code files, enter them all on the command line, like:

cl /EHsc file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp

The /EHsc command-line option instructs the compiler to enable standard C++ exception handling behavior. Without it, thrown exceptions can result in undestroyed objects and resource leaks. For more information, see /EH (Exception Handling Model).

When you supply additional source files, the compiler uses the first input file to create the program name. In this case, it outputs a program called file1.exe. To change the name to program1.exe, add an /out linker option:

cl /EHsc file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp /link /out:program1.exe

And to catch more programming mistakes automatically, we recommend you compile by using either the /W3 or /W4 warning level option:

cl /W4 /EHsc file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp /link /out:program1.exe

The compiler, cl.exe, has many more options. You can apply them to build, optimize, debug, and analyze your code. For a quick list, enter cl /? at the developer command prompt. You can also compile and link separately and apply linker options in more complex build scenarios. For more information on compiler and linker options and usage, see C/C++ Building Reference.

You can use NMAKE and makefiles, MSBuild and project files, or CMake, to configure and build more complex projects on the command line. For more information on using these tools, see NMAKE Reference, MSBuild, and CMake projects in Visual Studio.

The C and C++ languages are similar, but not the same. The MSVC compiler uses a simple rule to determine which language to use when it compiles your code. By default, the MSVC compiler treats files that end in .c as C source code, and files that end in .cpp as C++ source code. To force the compiler to treat all files as C++ independent of file name extension, use the /TP compiler option.

The MSVC compiler includes a C Runtime Library (CRT) that conforms to the ISO C99 standard, with minor exceptions. Portable code generally compiles and runs as expected. Certain obsolete library functions, and several POSIX function names, are deprecated by the MSVC compiler. The functions are supported, but the preferred names have changed. For more information, see Security Features in the CRT and Compiler Warning (level 3) C4996.

See also

C++ Language Reference
Projects and build systems
MSVC Compiler Options

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