- Fstream.h is an old style method of including std C headers, and in opposite to fstream you don't have to declare that you're using the std namespace. It is sometimes recommended to use: #include fstream using namespace std.
- It is used in standard Input / Output Streams Library. Following is the declaration for iosstream function. C98 Including this header may automatically include other headers, such as, and/or.
- C program to write and read time in/from binary file using fstream. This program will write, read time in, from the file using fstream, fstream is the set of classes with member function, that are used to communicate (read, write and more) with the files.
- Dev C++ 5.11
- C++ Fstream Readline
- Fstream.h In Dev C 2017
Before the C standard library. Both iostream and fstream were in a header file: #include #includeh #include In Visual Studio 2002.net these headers were marked as depreciated, but still present and functional. In Visual Studio 2003.net they were removed, completely.
< cpp header
Language |
Standard Library Headers |
Freestanding and hosted implementations |
Named requirements |
Language support library |
Concepts library(C++20) |
Diagnostics library |
Utilities library |
Strings library |
Containers library |
Iterators library |
Ranges library(C++20) |
Algorithms library |
Numerics library |
Input/output library |
Localizations library |
Regular expressions library(C++11) |
Atomic operations library(C++11) |
Thread support library(C++11) |
Filesystem library(C++17) |
Technical Specifications |
Standard Library headers
Language Support |
<cfloat> | <cstdint> | <new> | <source_location> |
| <csignal> | <csetjmp> | <cstdarg> |
Concepts |
<concepts> |
Diagnostics |
General utilities |
<utility> | <memory> | <memory_resource> | <scoped_allocator> | <compare> |
| <type_traits> | <ratio> | <chrono> | <typeindex> | <functional> |
Strings |
<string> | <string_view> | <cstring> |
| |
Localization |
Containers |
<deque> | <forward_list> | <list> |
| <unordered_map> | <unordered_set> | <stack> |
Iterators |
<iterator> |
Ranges |
<ranges> |
Algorithms |
Numerics |
| |
Input/Output |
<istream> | <ostream> | <iostream> |
| <cstdio> | <cinttypes> | <strstream> |
Regular expressions |
<regex> |
Filesystem support |
<filesystem> |
Thread support |
<shared_mutex> | <condition_variable> | <future> |
| |
C compatibility |
This header is part of the Input/output library.
Including <iostream>
behaves as if it defines a static storage duration object of type std::ios_base::Init, whose constructor initializes the standard stream objects if it is the first std::ios_base::Init
object to be constructed, and whose destructor flushes those objects (except for cin
and wcin
) if it is the last std::ios_base::Init
object to be destroyed.
Dev C++ 5.11
Includes |
<ios> | (since C++11) |
<streambuf> | (since C++11) |
<istream> | (since C++11) |
<ostream> | (since C++11) |
Objects |
std::cin | standard input |
std::cout | standard output |
std::cerr | standard error |
std::clog | standard log |
std::wcin | standard input |
std::wcout | standard output |
std::wcerr | standard error |
std::wclog | standard log |
Retrieved from 'https://en.cppreference.com/mwiki/index.php?title=cpp/header/iostream&oldid=106413'
- C++ Programming Resources
This data type represents the file stream generally, and has the capabilities of both ofstream and ifstream which means it can create files, write information to files, and read information from files.
Below is definition of std::fstream. /fre-vst-download-torrent.html.
Member types
Following member types can be used as parameters or return type by member functions.
Sr.No. | Member types | Definition |
1 | char | Character Type |
2 | char_traits<char> | traits_type |
3 | int | const value_type |
4 | int | int_type |
5 | streampos | pos_type |
6 | streamoff | off_type |
Functions from <fstream>
Below is list of all methods from <fstream>
Member functions
C++ Fstream Readline
Sr.No. | Method & description |
1 | fstream::close Closes the file currently associated with the object, disassociating it from the stream. |
2 | fstream::is_open Returns whether the stream is currently associated to a file. |
3 | fstream::open Opens the file identified by argument filename, associating it with the stream object. |
4 | fstream::operator= Returns a constant iterator which points to the start of the array. |
5 | fstream::rdbuf Returns a pointer to the internal filebuf object. |
6 | fstream::swap Exchanges all internal data between x and *this. |
Non-member overloaded functions
Fstream.h In Dev C 2017
Sr.No. | Method & description |
1 | swap-free Exchanges the values of the fstream objects x and y. |