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Preparing a new disk for use on a Linux system can be quick and easy. There are many tools, filesystem formats, and partitioning schemes that may complicate the process if you have specialized needs, but if you want to get up and running quickly, it’s fairly straightforward.

This guide will cover the following process:

  • Identifying the new disk on the system.
  • Creating a single partition that spans the entire drive (most operating systems expect a partition layout, even if only one filesystem is present)
  • Formatting the partition with the Ext4 filesystem (the default in most modern Linux distributions)
  • Mounting and setting up Auto-mounting of the filesystem at boot

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Install the Tools

To partition the drive, we’ll use the parted utility. In most cases, this will already be installed on the server.

Www dev c com gtav scripthookv. If you are on an Ubuntu or Debian server and do not have parted yet, you can install it by typing:

If you are on a CentOS or Fedora server, you can install it by typing:

Identify the New Disk on the System

Before we set up the drive, we need to be able to properly identify it on the server.

If this is a completely new drive, the easiest way to find it on your server may be to look for the absence of a partitioning scheme. If we ask parted to list the partition layout of our disks, it will give us an error for any disks that don’t have a valid partition scheme. This can be used to help us identify the new disk:

You should see an unrecognized disk label error for the new, unpartitioned disk:

You can also use the lsblk command and look for a disk of the correct size that has no associated partitions:

Remember to check lsblk in every session before making changes. The /dev/sd* and /dev/hd* disk identifiers will not necessarily be consistent between boots, which means there is some danger of partitioning or formatting the wrong disk if you do not verify the disk identifier correctly.

Consider using more persistent disk identifiers like /dev/disk/by-uuid, /dev/disk/by-label, or /dev/disk/by-id. See our introduction to storage concepts and terminology in Linux article for more information.

When you know the name the kernel has assigned your disk, you can partition your drive.

Partition the New Drive

As mentioned in the introduction, we’ll create a single partition spanning the entire disk in this guide.

Choose a Partitioning Standard

To do this, we first need to specify the partitioning standard we wish to use. GPT is the more modern partitioning standard, while the MBR standard offers wider support among operating systems. If you do not have any special requirements, it is probably better to use GPT at this point.

To choose the GPT standard, pass in the disk you identified like this:

If you wish to use the MBR format, type this instead:

Create the New Partition

Once the format is selected, you can create a partition spanning the entire drive by typing:

If we check lsblk, we should see the new partition available:

Create a Filesystem on the New Partition

Now that we have a partition available, we can format it as an Ext4 filesystem. To do this, pass the partition to the mkfs.ext4 utility.

We can add a partition label by passing the -L flag. Select a name that will help you identify this particular drive:

Make sure you pass in the partition and not the entire disk. In Linux, disks have names like sda, sdb, hda, etc. The partitions on these disks have a number appended to the end. So we would want to use something like sda1 and notsda.

If you want to change the partition label at a later date, you can use the e2label command:

You can see all of the different ways to identify your partition with lsblk. We want to find the name, label, and UUID of the partition.

Some versions of lsblk will print all of this information if we type:

/lfo-tool-vst-plugin-free-download.html. If your version does not show all of the appropriate fields, you can request them manually:

You should see something like this. The highlighted output indicate different methods you can use to refer to the new filesystem:

Mount the New Filesystem

Now, we can mount the filesystem for use.

The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard recommends using /mnt or a subdirectory under it for temporarily mounted filesystems. It makes no recommendations on where to mount more permanent storage, so you can choose whichever scheme you’d like. For this tutorial, we’ll mount the drive under /mnt/data.

Create the directory by typing:

Mounting the Filesystem Temporarily

You can mount the filesystem temporarily by typing:

Mounting the Filesystem Automatically at Boot

If you wish to mount the filesystem automatically each time the server boots, adjust the /etc/fstab file:

Earlier, we issued a sudo lsblk --fs command to display three filesystem identifiers for our filesystem. We can use any of these in this file. We’ve used the partition label below, but you can see what the lines would look like using the other two identifiers in the commented out lines:


You can learn about the various fields in the /etc/fstab file by typing man fstab. For information about the mount options available for a specific filesystem type, check man [filesystem] (like man ext4). For now, the mount lines above should get you started.

For SSDs, the discard option is sometimes appended to enable continuous TRIM. There is debate over the performance and integrity impacts of performing continuous TRIM in this manner, and most distributions include method of performing periodic TRIM as an alternative.

Save and close the file when you are finished.

If you did not mount the filesystem previously, you can now mount it by typing:

Testing the Mount

After we’ve mounted the volume, we should check to make sure that the filesystem is accessible.

We can check if the the disk is available in the output from the df command:

You should also be able to see a lost+found directory within the /mnt/data directory, which typically indicates the root of an Ext* filesystem:

We can also check that the file mounted with read and write capabilities by writing to a test file:

Read the file back just to make sure the write executed correctly:

You can remove the file after you have verified that the new filesystem is functioning correctly:


Your new drive should now be partitioned, formatted, mounted, and ready for use. This is the general process you can use turn a raw disk into a filesystem that Linux can use for storage. There are more complex methods of partitioning, formatting, and mounting which may be more appropriate in some cases, but the above is a good starting point for general use.

Creating cleanly formatted output is a common programming requirement--itimproves your user interface and makes it easier to read any debuggingmessages that you might print to the screen. In C, formatted output works viathe printf statement, but in C++, you can create nicely formatted output tostreams such as cout. This tutorial covers a set of basic I/O manipulationspossible in C++ from the iomanip header file. Note that all of the functionsin the iomanip header are inside the std namespace, soyou will need to either prefix your calls with 'std::' or put 'using namespacestd;' before using the functions.

Dealing with Spacing Issues using iomanip

A principle aspect of nicely formatted output is that the spacing looks right.There aren't columns of text that are too long or too short, and everything isappropriately aligned. This section deals with ways of spacing outputcorrectly.

Setting the field width with setw

The std::setw function allows you to set the minimum width of the next outputvia the insertion operator. setw takes, one argument, the width of the nextoutput (insertion), an integer. if the next output is too short, then spaceswill be used for padding. There is no effect if the output is longer than thewidth--note that the output won't be truncated. The only strange thing aboutsetw is that its return value must be inserted into the stream. The setwfunction has no effect if it is called without reference to a stream.A simple example isThe output from the above would look like this:Note that since setw takes an argument, at runtime it would be possible tospecify the width of a column of output so that it is slightly wider than thelongest element of the column.
You might wonder whether it is possible to change the padding character. Itturns out that yes, you can, by using the setfill function, which takes acharacter to use for the padding. Note that setfill should also be used as astream manipulator only, so it must be inserted into the stream:The above code sets the padding character to a dash, the width of the nextoutput to be at least 80 characters, and then outputs a dash. This results inthe rest of the line being filled with dashes too. The output would look likethis:Note that the pad character is changed until the next time you call setfill tochange it again.

How To Format Dev C Download

Aligning text with iomanip

It's possible to specify whether output is left or right aligned by using themanipulator flags that are part of ios_bas. In particular, it is possible tospecify that output should be either left or right aligned by passing inthe stream manipulators std::left and std::right.

Putting Your Knowledge of iomanip Together

Now that we know how to space and align text, we can correctly print formatteddata in columns. For instance, if you had a struct containing the names ofindividuals:If you then had a vector of persons, then you could output them in a nice waywith evenly spaced columns for the first and last name as follows:Note that the space output between the two fields wasn't strictly necessarybecause we could have added it by changing the first call to setw to set thewidth to one more than the longest first name (since it would use a space asthe padding for the extra character).

Printing Numbers

Another challenge in creating nice output is correctly formatting numbers; forinstance, when printing out a hexadecimal value, it would be nice if it werepreceded by the '0x' prefix. More generally, it's nice to correctly set thenumber of trailing zeros after a decimal place.

Setting the precision of numerical output with setprecision

The setprecision function can be used to set the maximum number of digits thatare displayed for a number. Like setw, it should be inserted into the stream.In fact, its usage is very similar to setw in all respects. For instance, toprint the number 2.71828 to 3 decimal places:Note that setprecision will change the precision until the next time it ispassed into a given stream. So changing the above example to also print out1.412 would result in the output of

Output in different bases

In computer science, frequently numbers need to be printed in octal orhexadecimal. The setbase function returns a value that can be passed into astream to set the base of numbers to either base 8, 10, or 16. The inputnumber is still read as a number in base ten, but it is printed in the givenbase. For instance, will print out '20', which is 32 written in base 16. Note that you can usedec, oct, and hex as shorthand for setbase(10), setbase(8), and setbase(16)respectively when inserting into a stream. If you wish to include an indication of the base along with the printednumber, you can use the setiosflags function, again passed into a stream, withan input of ios_base::showbase.Using the ios_base::showbase flag will append a '0x' in front of hexadecimalnumbers and a 0 in front of octal numbers. Decimal numbers will be printed asnormal.This should get you started with the ability to create nicely formatted outputin C++ without having to resort to returning to printf!Dev
Learn to interpret and use sophisticated printf format strings
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