undefined reference to '[email protected]'
ld returned 1 exit status
when WinMain is clearly defined in the C++ source code as the name of main, using the Dev-C++ environment v4.9.9.2."}
If you're using the openGL aux library i believe there may be a key press loop that you could use. It works similar to WinMain in the way that it loops while a certain key is pressed (I believe WinMain should loop while a window is open) and there should be a loop for each key for ease. Dev c++ separating taskbar between windows. Gotoxy, clrscr, getche and getch in GCC Linux – Function definitions, calling with solved c programs/example. Gotoxy is used to move cursor position on x and y location, clrscr is used to clear the screen and getch is used to get a character from keyboard or halt/pause the program until a key hit.
Apr 23, 2006 Which library does a Dev-C compiled program have to link with to resolve the following Linker error: undefined reference to 'email protected' ld returned 1 exit status when WinMain is clearly defined in the C source code as the name of main, using the Dev-C environment v4.9.9.2. And #include, i.e.: #include. There's a FAQ here that tells you how to implement your own 'gotoxy' in Windows: gotoxy and textcolor - error: undefined reference And other that gives you alternatives to color your text in Windows (see the second bit of code): FAQ Color my text - Cprogramming.com. Aug 03, 2018 gotoxy function in c header file. Today, We want to share with you gotoxy function in c header file. In this post we will show you Gotoxy in Dev c, hear for gotoxy function in code blocks we will give you demo and example for implement. In this post, we will learn about gotoxy function in c with an example.